Happy St Davids day – David has to take Oxycodone

Happy St Davids day and especially to David for publishing our new Glasgow Green Apartments website.

The website looks great, and is running great as well! He’s very talented. And to think he was dealing with some health issues at the same time. He doesn’t let anything slow him down, the workaholic!

From what he tells us he is dealing with a bit of a wrist injury, and it could be due to all the computer work, we may just have to give him some time off to recover. We already told him that it is fine by us and to take all the time he needs but he’s waiting to hear from the doctor. So far the doctor has only told him that he need to figure out where can i buy oxycodone online and to take it every so often. How much he will rest will depend on some x-rays that aren’t ready yet apparently.

I guess we’ll see how he evolves and in the meantime we wish he a swift recovery!

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